
  • Папка: осень 2008 года (2 з 3)
  • Додана: 16.04.2009
  • Камера: Nikon D80
  • Дата зйомки: 25 березня 2006, 22:06:33
Детальна інформація


Гість: wxzw777

117.04.09, 02:55

I created for love and tears,
Nightmares and wonderful dreams,
Love, hate, happiness and sorrow ...
I have that dream ... and sleepless nights.
I-mixture of screams and smiles,
From the right decisions and mistakes ...
Name senses of pain and bliss,
I am the perfect imperfection.
As morning dawned beautiful,
But as the moon, the insidious and dangerous,
Strong wind and weak as gnat.
With a gentle soul, but a free cat.