A late 2nd Century BCE Roman mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Italy. In the upper register, a cat clutches a quail. In the lower register, two ducks feed next to an assortment of seafood. 

From the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, in Italy. / животные, кот, живопись, жанр, художники, иллюстрации, мартовский кот
A late 2nd Century BCE Roman mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Italy. In the upper register, a cat clutches a quail. In the lower register, two ducks feed next to an assortment of seafood.

From the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, in Italy.



119.02.21, 18:46

Римская мозаика конца II века до н.э. из Дома Фавна в Помпеях, Италия. В верхнем регистре кошка сжимает перепела. В нижнем регистре две утки кормятся рядом с ассортиментом морепродуктов.