Всі фотографії

  • Прощание Телемаха и Эвхариды
 Jacques-Louis David (1748 - 1825)
 Дата завершения: 1818
    15 Прощание Телемаха и Эвхариды Jacques-Louis David (1748 - 1825) Дата завершения: 1818
  • Raymond Monvoisin (1790–1870)  Telemachus and Eucharis  1824
    10 Raymond Monvoisin (1790–1870) Telemachus and Eucharis 1824
  • Edmund Blair Leighton (1853 -1922)__Tristan<wbr />t and Isolde (1907)
    22 Edmund Blair Leighton (1853 -1922)__Tristant and Isolde (1907)
  • Paolo and Francesca (The Story of Rimini)__ Watts, George Frederick (1817-1904)
    5 Paolo and Francesca (The Story of Rimini)__ Watts, George Frederick (1817-1904)
  • Души Паоло и Франчески (Данте, «Ад», Песнь 5)
Доре (Поль-)Гюстав (1832-1883)
    3 Души Паоло и Франчески (Данте, «Ад», Песнь 5) Доре (Поль-)Гюстав (1832-1883)
  • Paolo and Francesca  - Божественная Комедия - Ад - Гюстав Доре
    1 Paolo and Francesca - Божественная Комедия - Ад - Гюстав Доре
  • The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin
Ugolino (top);
Paolo and Francesca
    0 The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin Ugolino (top); Paolo and Francesca
  • Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach (1829 1880)__Paolo And Francesca_1864
    1 Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach (1829 1880)__Paolo And Francesca_1864
  • Gustave Dore: Dante  Paolo and Francesca
    0 Gustave Dore: Dante Paolo and Francesca
  • Paolo and Francesca_1887_<wbr />_  Previati, Gaetano (1852-1920)
    2 Paolo and Francesca_1887__ Previati, Gaetano (1852-1920)
  • The dream (Paolo and Francesca), 1909 by Umberto Boccioni
    0 The dream (Paolo and Francesca), 1909 by Umberto Boccioni
  • Sir Joseph Noel Paton (1821-1901)__Th<wbr />e Murder of Paolo and Francesca
    1 Sir Joseph Noel Paton (1821-1901)__The Murder of Paolo and Francesca
  • Pierre Claude Francois Delorme __Paolo e Francesca (1830)
    12 Pierre Claude Francois Delorme __Paolo e Francesca (1830)
  • Vitale Sala __dante  Paolo e Francesca (1823)
    1 Vitale Sala __dante Paolo e Francesca (1823)
  • Michelangelo Grigoletti__Pao<wbr />lo e Francesca (1840)
    2 Michelangelo Grigoletti__Paolo e Francesca (1840)
  • Louis Boulanger__paol<wbr />o_e_francesca_g<wbr />li_amanti_trafi<wbr />tti_1840
    1 Louis Boulanger__paolo_e_francesca_gli_amanti_trafitti_1840
  • Jean Baptiste Hugues__Paolo e Francesca (1877)
    0 Jean Baptiste Hugues__Paolo e Francesca (1877)
  • Felice Giani__paolo_ma<wbr />latesta_e_franc<wbr />esca_da_polenta<wbr />_1813
    1 Felice Giani__paolo_malatesta_e_francesca_da_polenta_1813
  • Edward Charles Halle (1846-1914)__Pa<wbr />olo and Francesca
    1 Edward Charles Halle (1846-1914)__Paolo and Francesca
  • Aristide Croisy__Паоло и Франческа (1876)
    1 Aristide Croisy__Паоло и Франческа (1876)
  • Antoine Etex__Паоло и Франческа (1864)
    3 Antoine Etex__Паоло и Франческа (1864)
  • Anonimo__Паоло и Франческа (1804)
    1 Anonimo__Паоло и Франческа (1804)
  • Amos Cassioli__ Paolo e Francesca (1870)
    3 Amos Cassioli__ Paolo e Francesca (1870)
  • Bianchi Mose (Italia 1840-1904)__Pao<wbr />lo e Francesca 1877.
    1 Bianchi Mose (Italia 1840-1904)__Paolo e Francesca 1877.