










DECEMBER 3, 2014
Photograph by Adhi Prayoga, National Geographic Your Shot
Ants build a bridge

NOVEMBER 13, 2014
Photograph by Rob Daugherty, National Geographic Your Shot
While visiting Alaska’s





Легендарний аферист Костя Грішин. Шахрай феноменальний. Я за його діяльністю слідкую з березня 2014 року, коли він

OCTOBER 19, 2014
Over the River
Photograph by Garth Lenz
A tar mine edges up to a boreal forest and the



OCTOBER 6, 2014
Whale of a Tail
Photograph by Shane Gross, National Geographic Your Shot
A sperm whale


SEPTEMBER 24, 2014
Hollow Greeting
Photograph by Karthik Vilwanathan, National Geographic Your Shot
An owl peers

Northern Cousins
Photograph by Roy Toft, National Geographic Creative
The northern sea otter, shown here in