Всі фотографії

  • Ivan Shishkin - Winter

http://upload.w<wbr />ikimedia.org/wi<wbr />kipedia/commons<wbr />/d/d1/Ivan_Shis<wbr />hkin_-_Winter.J<wbr />PG
    0 Ivan Shishkin - Winter http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Ivan_Shishkin_-_Winter.JPG
  • Ivan Shishkin - Wind-Fallen Trees

http://upload.w<wbr />ikimedia.org/wi<wbr />kipedia/commons<wbr />/6/65/Ivan_Shis<wbr />hkin_-_Wind-Fal<wbr />len_ …
    7 Ivan Shishkin - Wind-Fallen Trees http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Ivan_Shishkin_-_Wind-Fallen_ …
  • Shishkin, Ivan: "Morning in a pine forest"

http://www.thea<wbr />rtwolf.com/serv<wbr />ices/wallpapers<wbr />/shishkin_1600-<wbr />1200.jpg
    2 Shishkin, Ivan: "Morning in a pine forest" http://www.theartwolf.com/services/wallpapers/shishkin_1600-1200.jpg
  • Friedrich, Caspar David: "The great Preserve (Ostra Preserve)", 1832

http://www.thea<wbr />rtwolf.com/serv<wbr />ices/wallpapers<wbr />/ …
    0 Friedrich, Caspar David: "The great Preserve (Ostra Preserve)", 1832 http://www.theartwolf.com/services/wallpapers/ …
  • Church, Frederick Edwin: "Morning at the tropics", 1877

http://www.thea<wbr />rtwolf.com/serv<wbr />ices/wallpapers<wbr />/church_ …
    0 Church, Frederick Edwin: "Morning at the tropics", 1877 http://www.theartwolf.com/services/wallpapers/church_ …
  • Church, Frederick Edwin: "Cotopaxi", 1855

http://www.thea<wbr />rtwolf.com/serv<wbr />ices/wallpapers<wbr />/church-cotopax<wbr />i-1440-900.jpg
    0 Church, Frederick Edwin: "Cotopaxi", 1855 http://www.theartwolf.com/services/wallpapers/church-cotopaxi-1440-900.jpg
  • Aivazovsky, Ivan: "The ninth wave"

http://www.thea<wbr />rtwolf.com/serv<wbr />ices/wallpapers<wbr />/aivazovsky_wav<wbr />e-1600-1200.jpg<wbr />
    1 Aivazovsky, Ivan: "The ninth wave" http://www.theartwolf.com/services/wallpapers/aivazovsky_wave-1600-1200.jpg
  • William Merritt Chase - Boat House,Prospect Park 

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/imp<wbr />ression/chase/c<wbr />hase15.jpg
    0 William Merritt Chase - Boat House,Prospect Park http://www.alloilpaint.com/impression/chase/chase15.jpg
  • William Merritt Chase - In the Park - A By-Path

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/imp<wbr />ression/chase/c<wbr />hase29.jpg
    0 William Merritt Chase - In the Park - A By-Path http://www.alloilpaint.com/impression/chase/chase29.jpg
  • John Henry Fuseli - The Nightmare

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/fus<wbr />eli/3.jpg
    0 John Henry Fuseli - The Nightmare http://www.alloilpaint.com/fuseli/3.jpg
  • George Frederic Watts - The Dweller Within Oil on canvas

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/wat<wbr />ts/31.jpg
    0 George Frederic Watts - The Dweller Within Oil on canvas http://www.alloilpaint.com/watts/31.jpg
  • Frederic Edwin Church - Niagara Falls, from the American Side

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/chu<wbr />rch/63.jpg
    0 Frederic Edwin Church - Niagara Falls, from the American Side http://www.alloilpaint.com/church/63.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Sunlight and Shadow

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/bie<wbr />rstadt/159.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - Sunlight and Shadow http://www.alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/159.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Cathedral Rock, Yosemite Valley, California 

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/bie<wbr />rstadt/152.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - Cathedral Rock, Yosemite Valley, California http://www.alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/152.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Puget Sound on the Pacific Coast 

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/bie<wbr />rstadt/143.jpg
    3 Albert Bierstadt - Puget Sound on the Pacific Coast http://www.alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/143.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Evening, Owens Lake, California Oil

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/bie<wbr />rstadt/87.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - Evening, Owens Lake, California Oil http://www.alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/87.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - By a Mountain Lake Oil on canvas 

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/bie<wbr />rstadt/77.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - By a Mountain Lake Oil on canvas http://www.alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/77.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Western Landscape

http://www.allo<wbr />ilpaint.com/bie<wbr />rstadt/36.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - Western Landscape http://www.alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/36.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Among the Sierra Nevada

http://artist.w<wbr />ebsiteinprogres<wbr />s.us/images/qwe<wbr />r_ …
    1 Albert Bierstadt - Among the Sierra Nevada http://artist.websiteinprogress.us/images/qwer_ …
  • Albert Bierstadt -

http://www.sare<wbr />ltheron.com/mat<wbr />te_paintings/im<wbr />ages/Idylls-Fal<wbr />l_07.jpg
    3 Albert Bierstadt - http://www.sareltheron.com/matte_paintings/images/Idylls-Fall_07.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Storm in the Mountains

http://z.about.<wbr />com/d/arthistor<wbr />y/1/0/w/f/aphnw<wbr />_10.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - Storm in the Mountains http://z.about.com/d/arthistory/1/0/w/f/aphnw_10.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt - Sunset in the Yosemite Valley

http://alloilpa<wbr />int.com/biersta<wbr />dt/40.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt - Sunset in the Yosemite Valley http://alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/40.jpg
  • Albert Bierstadt -Yosemite

http://alloilpa<wbr />int.com/biersta<wbr />dt/27.jpg
    0 Albert Bierstadt -Yosemite http://alloilpaint.com/bierstadt/27.jpg

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