February 27, 2014
Crying Wolves

Photograph by Petra Warner, National Geographic Your Shot

"Wolves are especially hard to photograph in the wild," writes Petra Warner, a member of National Geographic Your Shot. "This picture was taken at Wolf Park in Indiana, a wildlife and research facility primarily focused on wolves but also on foxes, coyotes, and bison. Not only do they do a wonderful job with wildlife conservation, but they also increase awareness via education and photo workshops." 

While attending one of the photo workshops, Warner had the opportunity to see the animals up clos /
February 27, 2014
Crying Wolves

Photograph by Petra Warner, National Geographic Your Shot

"Wolves are especially hard to photograph in the wild," writes Petra Warner, a member of National Geographic Your Shot. "This picture was taken at Wolf Park in Indiana, a wildlife and research facility primarily focused on wolves but also on foxes, coyotes, and bison. Not only do they do a wonderful job with wildlife conservation, but they also increase awareness via education and photo workshops."

While attending one of the photo workshops, Warner had the opportunity to see the animals up clos


  • Папка: NatGeo (29 з 54)
  • Додана: 27.02.2014


Гість: Man-O-War

128.02.14, 09:38

І загнана луна на небі, як ти,
Виблискує на хижих іклах!
І голос предків до весни гукає нас...

Народжені бути навіки вовками
Вмирати в лісах від ворожої рани
Кому завинили своїми гріхами
Народжені бути вовками?!
Народжені бути вовками?!

"Веремій" - "Народжені бути вовками"

    228.02.14, 12:45

    в обране

      Гість: Тираъ

      328.02.14, 18:40

      Мдаааа...много чего мне бы хотелось по этой картинке сказать...