Arjuna Wijaya chariot statue and fountain in Central Jakarta. In the background is Bank Indonesia Towers. The statue depicted a Mahabharata or Bharatayudha epic; Krishna riding the chariot with Arjuna holding a bow and arrow, the chariot is being pulled by eleven divine horses. / живопись, скульптура, жанр, лошади, кони, иллюстрации, всадник, батальные сцены
Arjuna Wijaya chariot statue and fountain in Central Jakarta. In the background is Bank Indonesia Towers. The statue depicted a Mahabharata or Bharatayudha epic; Krishna riding the chariot with Arjuna holding a bow and arrow, the chariot is being pulled by eleven divine horses.


  • Папка: Лошади (78 з 87)
  • Додана: 29.12.2013
